2021. február 21., vasárnap

Bell kerékpáros sisak - Jelenlegi ára: 6 000 Ft

Large, 59-61 cm
Matte Metallic Brown
Unisex Skate/BMX
Impact-resistant ABS hard plastic shell covers the expanded polystyrene (EPS) foam liner for excellent protection
Segmented sections of the EPS liner flex to conform to the shape of your head, eliminating odd pressure points and maximizing comfort without compromising protection
8 vents on the Bell Segment bike helmet help keep your head cool
My final verdict is…
The Bell Segment helmet is pretty good for $50. I would recommend it.

Jelenlegi ára: 6 000 Ft
Az aukció vége: 2021-02-21 13:16 .

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